At VR therapies, accessibility is obviously one of our
passions and always has been. We’re determined to increase accessibility for
people with disabilities, not only within VR but all areas of technology and
The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital (web, software, mobile, etc.) access/inclusion and people with different disabilities. The internet, it is a wonderful world… allowing people who cannot travel, to visit foreign lands, people who cannot hear, to find subtitles of their favourite foreign films in their language, or people who cannot read anymore to find an audio-book of their childhood favourite story… It’s the little things that can make technology so beautiful. When I took Jo on a VR roller-coaster, I didn’t realise until afterwards what a magical moment it was for her. With severe, cerebral palsy, she’d never been able to ride a roller-coaster.
So how accessible is your website?
Here’s the links for some of the tools I mentioned:
I haven’t mentioned one amazing charity yet though, which is
They have pages for workplaces about reasonable adjustments, an amazing amount of free resources for people with disabilities as well being
one of the largest providers of Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) assessments to higher education students in the UK
If you need information for specific conditions, head to charities such as
Royal National Institute of Blind People, Action on Hearing Loss, Scope, or Mencap.
Special thank you to Easy on the i, an information design service within the Learning Disability Service at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.